Technical Help – 常见问题
For optimal viewing of the content, photos and videos on, we recommend using the latest versions of the following web and mobile browsers:
Web Browsers
- Internet Explorer, versions 10 or 11
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
Mobile Browsers
- Android 4.X Chrome and Android 4.X Stock
- Safari, version 7 for iPad and iPhone
To avoid issues using the website, be sure your web browser is updated to the most recent version. If you are currently using Internet Explorer 9, we recommend that you either upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer or select a different browser. Some pages on the site may not function properly when viewed using Internet Explorer 9 or earlier versions.
On your mobile device, is compatible with all modern mobile web browsers, including Safari on Apple iOS and Chrome for Mobile on Google Android.
To upgrade or download a web browser, you can link to their websites from here: